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The Krost Team’s Home Set Ups

Our Sydney and Melbourne teams have been divided into two groups which will be working from home or the office on alternating weeks to make sure we can continue to supply and service our customers throughout this pandemic.

Adjusting to a new workspace can be difficult when you do not have the same set up and resources you normally would. Our range has the versatility to adapt to commercial offices and home offices which can be customised to suit your needs and requirements. 

See how some of our staff have set up their home offices to maximise productivity, comfortability and concentration.

Featured: Benchwork Single Sided Workstation, Logic Monitor Arms, Zak Chair, Globe Under Desk drawer, Wall Mounted Units and Pinboards.

Featured: Rize Pneumatic Height Adjustable desk and Hana chair.

Featured: FGR Executive desk with return, Logic Monitor Arms, Archi Chair, Globe Mobile Pedestal.

Featured: Benchwork Executive Desk, Logic Monitor Arm, Globe Under Desk drawer.

Featured: Custom built in desk and joinery, Miro S chair, Logic Monitor Arms and Floating Shelf.

Featured: Logic Monitor Arm, Sax Chair and Luca Chair.

Featured: Keywork Executive desk with return, Logic Monitor Arm, Future chair, Globe Mobile Pedestal.

Contact us today to set up your home office. Our sales executives can help design and facilitate the optimal working space to suit your needs and requirements.