We’re super excited to announce the newest addition to our website!
(Drumroll please…)
Please welcome the Design section to www.krost.com.au.
A full library of drawings is available through this section, with features including:
- 2D CAD blocks (in the industry standard .dwg format). All desk shapes and storage shapes/types, all workstation configurations (2Way, 3Way, 4Way etc) and all the niche features of Krost products.
- 3D models (in the universal SketchUp format). Orbit and zoom in on our products, take all sorts of measurements and get a really good feel of the space you’re fitting out.
All will be easily accessible and readily downloadable, waiting for you to create your own design solutions. Whether you are a creative professional, student, experimenter or simply a visionary you now can plan your workspace with all our furniture.
For 3D models, you’ll need SketchUp (free). 2D drawing blocks will require a CAD program, such asDraftSight (also, free) or AutoCad.
Each page has a help function in case you get stuck along the way and we’re always available to help through our office line (+612 9557 3055) or email info@krost.com.au.